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ZIP is a popular data compression format. Files that have been compressed with the ZIP format are called ZIP files and usually end with a.ZIP extension.
A special kind of zipped file is a self-extracting file, which ends with a.EXE extension. You can unzip a self-extracting file by simply executing it.
Data compression involves storing data in a format that requires less space than usual. Data compression is particularly useful in communications because it enables devices to transmit the same amount of data in fewer bits. There are a variety of data compression techniques, but only a few have been standardized. The CCITT has defined a standard data compression technique for transmitting faxes (Group 3 standard) and a compression standard for data communications through modems (CCITT V.42bis). In addition, there are file compression formats, such as ARC and ZIP.
Data compression is also widely used in backup utilities, spreadsheet applications, and database management systems. Certain types of data, such as bit-mapped graphics, can be compressed to a small fraction of their normal size.
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